Table 2

Meanings and interpretations of key themes

ThemesMeanings and interpretations
Cultural factors
High regard for authority▸ View physicians as authoritative figures, like fathers
▸ Reluctant to confront physicians
A desire to avoid being burdensome to others▸ Feel health professionals and family members have made significant efforts to offer help, services and support to patients with diabetes
▸ Do not expect doctors or nurses to organise patient support groups
▸ Feel dietary restrictions should not be mentioned to avoid others from being influenced
A desire to be together or follow a collective approach▸ Prefer learning as a group about diabetes care
▸ Enjoy sharing experiences with peers
Structural barriers
Insurance makes a difference▸ Feel unable to manage diabetes properly due to lack of insurance and extremely high cost of care
▸ Do not have access to health talks due to disconnection from health insurance networks
Transportation issues▸ Consider transportation as a challenge, and this restricts the access of health information
▸ Affect willingness and ability to attend health talks
Limited information in the Chinese-speaking community▸ Acknowledge limitations due to poor English proficiency, continue to access health information in Chinese
▸ Consider translations to be not help much if cultural practices have not been addressed
Personal barriers
Unawareness of self-care responsibility▸ Do not think patients should take up responsibilities in chronic illness management
▸ Follow physician prescriptions with no knowledge of medications being taken
Age related limitations▸ Admit limitations due to age related changes
▸ Acknowledge short attention span in reading or attending health talks