Table 1

Baseline characteristics of subjects

VariablesEntire sampleHealthy subjectsExternal dataset
Demographic information
 Age, years60.42±8.6856.5±8.7556.61±9.26
 Male gender, %705 (33.7%)78 (21.02%)38 (43.18%)
 BMI, kg/m224.21±3.3621.57±1.9923.81±2.72
 WC, cm85.07±9.7077.08±6.8385.09±7.12
 SBP, mm Hg127.62±18.68114.6±10.93117.85±14.62
 DBP, mm Hg79.83±9.6973.81±6.9279.23±9.59
Laboratory assays
 FPG, mmol/L5.53±1.814.64±0.596.84±2.38
 PBG, mmol/L7.67±3.565.26±1.1110.29±4.51
 FINS, IU/L7.19±11.8232.72±13.678.77±19.31
 TC, mmol/L5.32±15.19±0.965.35±1.05
 TG, mmol/L1.71±0.981.1±0.311.86±1.07
 HDL, mmol/L1.36±0.321.55±0.331.30±0.30
 LDL mmol/L3.19±0.773.04±0.773.14±0.79
 UA, μmol/L281.21±83.79240.52±68.77292.34±82.65
HRV measurement
 HR, bpm72.42±10.1368.39±8.6172.23±9.80
 TP, ms2873.95±702.471127.33±697.28883.69±935.65
 LF, ms2190.98±207.88241.35±204.92164.04±220.97
 LFn, nu21.33±10.6621.44±10.5617.13±8.82
 HF, ms2183.05±219.43245.93±230.26208.99±399.68
 HFn, nu20.67±13.2521.85±12.8320.84±16.23
Medical history
 Smoking yes, %306 (14.63%)35 (9.43%)13 (14.77%)
 HT yes, %976 (46.65%)0 (0%)32 (36.36%)
 DM yes, %446 (21.33%)0 (0%)53 (60.23%)
 MS yes, %833 (39.82%)0 (0%)34 (38.64%)
  • BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DM, diabetes; FINS, fasting blood insulin; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HF, high frequency; HFn, normalised HF; HR, heart rate; HRV, heart rate variability; HT, hypertension; LDL, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; LF, low frequency; LFn, normalised LF; MS, metabolic syndrome; PBG, plasma blood glucose; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TC, serum total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; TP, total power of variance; UA, uric acid; WC, waist circumference.