Table 2

STI and HIV prevalence among MSM in DES and Tanga

HIV status17290
Hepatitis B status17290
Urine chlamydia†17940
Urine gonococcus†17940
Anal chlamydia†18040
Anal gonococcus†40
Any STI (excluding HBV and HIV)19091
  • *The total sample sizes shown indicate the number of respondents that have data on the variables above. For example, if though there were 200 respondents from DES, only 172 of them had HIV data. Prevalence was computed based on respondents with available data.

  • †Urine and anal chlamydia and gonococcus data for Tanga is limited as only about 40% of the respondents in that city have data on these variables.

  • DES, Dar es Salaam; HBV, hepatitis B virus; MSM, men who have sex with men; STI, sexually transmitted infection.