Table 1

Characteristics of the patients with Hymenoptera venom allergy treated with VIT, with or without work disability

Participants with work disability
Participants without work disability
p Value
Female, n (%)6 (19.4)37 (24.7)NS
Age, mean±SD49.4±9.947.1±10.9NS
Living in the countryside, n (%)20 (64.5)98 (65.3)NS
VIT, n (%)
 Ongoing21 (67.7)101 (67.3)NS
 Concluded10 (32.2)49 (67.3)
Treated with VIT for, n (%)
Apis mellifera11 (35.5)48 (32)NS
Vespula sp.14 (45.2)52 (34.7)NS
Polistes sp.3 (9.7)38 (25.3)NS
Vespa crabro3 (9.7)12 (8)NS
Type of VIT extract
 Aqueous23 (74.2)104 (69.3)NS
 Depot8 (25.8)46 (30.7)
Mueller reaction grade, n (%)
 I6 (19.4)27 (18)NS
 II4 (12.9)30 (20)
 III7 (22.6)30 (20)
 IV14 (45.2)63 (42)
Ever stung before the reaction, n (%)26 (83.9)110 (73.3)NS
Other severe Hymenoptera reactions, n (%)1 (3.2)12 (8)NS
Years after the first severe reaction, mean±SD9±6.77.1±5.7NS
Having the severe reaction, n (%)
 At work14 (45.2)26(17.3)<0.01
 During sport1 (3.2)4 (2.7)NS
 During hobby activity9 (29)52 (34.7)NS
 At home6 (19.4)44 (29.3)NS
 In car/motorcycle3 (9.7)24 (16)NS
Work-related risk of exposure to Hymenoptera, n (%)
 High21 (67.7)53 (35.3)<0.01
 Occasionally high5 (16.1)35 (23.3)
 Low5 (16.1)62 (41.3)
Self-employed worker, n (%)6 (51.6)42 (28)<0.01
  • NS, not significant; VIT, venom immunotherapy.