Table 1

General information of cases and controls

VariablesCases (n=1004)Controls (n=1025)p Value
Age (years)61.0 (7.8)60.8 (7.4)0.539
Educational level* (n, %)867 (86.4)887 (86.5)0.957†
Annual income‡ (Yuan, RMB)300 (0, 2000)500 (0, 2000)0.150§
Monthly expenditure on food (Yuan, RMB)100 (50, 150)100 (50, 150)0.797§
Food shortage experience¶ (n, %)452 (45.0)374 (36.5)<0.001†
Physical activity time (h/day)9.9 (2.8)10.0 (2.7)0.315
  • *Educational level at primary school level and below.

  • †p Value by Mantel–Haenszel χ2 test.

  • ‡The remaining money except for basic living expenditure, including money from their sons or daughter.

  • §p Value by median two-sample test.

  • ¶Exposure to the Chinese famine (1959–1961) during childhood.