Table 1

Summary of the characteristics of the included studies

Author (year) countryKnee loading variableStructural progression measureFollow-up time (months)Number of patients (total/progressors/non-progressors)Females (%)Reference
Miyazaki et al (2002)
Peak KAM (unit: %BW×HT)≥1 grade according to Altman atlassq
Chang et al (2007) USAPeak KAM (unit: %BW×HT)≥1 grade according to Altman atlassq
1856 (64*)/41/155931
Bennell et al (2011)
Peak KAM (unit: %BW×HT)≥1 grade medial tibiofemoral cartilage defectssq MRI12138/45/935629
KAM impulse (unit: %BW×HT)Cartilage volume loss (mm3)q MRI144/NA/NA
Woollard et al (2011)
Peak KAM (unit: Nm/kg)†Cartilage volume loss (mm3)q MRI1213/6/72332
Henriksen et al (2013) DenmarkPeak overall knee compression force (unit: N)Cartilage losssq MRI12157/NA/NA8933
 Median: 12Totals: 452/134/147Mean: 67
  • *On request, the authors forwarded a conference abstract with additional data based on 64 subjects. The number of progressors/non-progressors was not available from that abstract.

  • †We converted the data into %BW×HT after requesting for body weight and height data from the authors.

  • KAM, knee adduction moment; BW, body weight; HT, height; q, quantitative; sq, semiquantitative grading; NA, non-applicable.