Table 2

Univariate lifecourse associates of children's relatively positive PRH (N=547)

Relatively negative PRHRelatively positive PRH
NPer cent (n)Mean (SD)Per cent (n)Mean (SD)OR95% CI
Child’s individual characteristics
Birth weight adjusted for gestational age (g)487(34)3564.1 (616)(453)3548.4 (552)1.00(0.999 to 1.001)
Child’s age (years)547(42)5.42 (0.23)(505)5.46 (0.25)
 Male8.0 (22)92.0 (242)Ref
 Female7.1 (21)92.9 (262)1.14(0.60 to 2.20)
BMI (kg/m2)464(35)17.09 (2.5)(429)16.59 (1.6)0.85(0.71 to 1.03)^
 Obese16.7 (5)83.3 (25)Ref
 Overweight/normal6.9 (30)93.1 (404)2.69(0.96 to 7.54)^
Waist circumference (cm)462(35)57.01 (6.8)(427)55.88 (4.3)0.95(0.88 to 1.02)†
Height (cm)464(35)111.6 (5.6)(429)112.1 (4.8)1.02(0.95 to 1.10)
Breast feeding528
 Not breast fed6.5 (16)93.5 (229)Ref
 Breast fed8.8 (25)91.2 (258)0.72(0.38 to 1.38)
Energy (kcal)547
 Quintile 5 (>1794)10 (11)90.0 (99)Ref
 Quintile 1–47.1 (31)92.9 (406)1.46(0.71 to 3.00)
Fats (g)547
 Quintile 5 (>62.9)12.8 (14)87.2 (95)Ref
 Quintile 1–46.4 (28)93.6 (410)2.16(1.09 to 4.26)*
Top food group (servings/day)547
 Quintile 5 (>6.47)10.9 (12)89.1 (98)Ref
 Quintile 1–46.9 (30)93.1 (407)1.66(0.82 to 3.36)†
Fruits veg food group (servings/day)547
 Quintile 1 (<2.1)12.8 (14)87.2 (95)Ref
 Quintile 2–56.4 (28)93.6 (410)2.16(1.09 to 4.26)*
Family Characteristics
Household weekly income509
 Less than €76013.3 (26)86.7 (170)Ref
 More than €7604.8 (15)95.2 (298)3.04(1.57 to 5.90)**
Entitlement to general medical card532
 Entitled13 (12)87.0 (80)Ref
 Not entitled6.6 (29)93.4 (411)2.13(1.04 to 4.34)*
Fathers’ participation547
 No9.7 (31)90.3 (290)Ref
 Yes4.9 (11)95.1 (215)2.09(1.03 to 4.25)*
Marital status542
 Others11.4 (5)88.6 (39)Ref
 Married/cohabiting7.2 (36)92.8 (462)1.65(0.61 to 4.43)
Elder children in family (parity)535
 Nullipara8 (18)92.0 (207)Ref
 Multipara7.7 (24)92.3 (286)1.04(0.55 to 1.96)
Support from spouse/partner538
 Lesser support12.9 (17)87.1 (115)Ref
 More support6.2 (25)93.8 (381)2.25(1.18 to 4.32)*
Support from parents487
 Lesser support12.5 (12)87.5 (84)Ref
 More support6.6 (26)93.4 (365)2.01(0.97 to 4.14)^
Support from children532
 Lesser support10.6 (20)89.4 (169)Ref
 More support5.8 (20)94.2 (323)1.91(1.00 to 3.65)*
Support from close relatives510
 Lesser support12.4 (19)87.6 (134)Ref
 More support6.2 (22)93.8 (335)2.16(1.13 to 4.12)*
Maternal characteristics
Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2)475(36)23.3 (3.3)(439)23.8 (3.9)1.04(0.94 to 1.14)
Pre-pregnancy BMI (WHO cut-offs)
 Obese2.6 (1)97.4 (38)Ref
 Overweight/normal8 (35)92.0 (401)0.30(0.04 to 2.26)
Mother’s age (years)546(42)36.5 (6.3)(504)37.1 (5.3)1.02(0.96 to 1.08)
BMI at 5-year follow-up (kg/m2)43225.6 (3.9)26.3 (5.0)1.03(0.95 to 1.12)
BMI at 5-year follow-up (WHO cut-offs)432
 Obese7.2 (5)92.8 (64)Ref
 Overweight/normal7.4 (27)92.6 (336)0.97(0.36 to 2.62)
Waist circumference (cm)434(31)85.3 (10.6)(403)87.6 (11.9)1.02(0.99 to 1.05)
Height (cm)454(33)161.9 (6.8)(421)162.9 (6.0)1.03(0.97 to 1.09)
Smoking in pregnancy534
 Smoker8.1 (8)91.9 (91)Ref
 Non-smoker7.6 (33)92.4 (402)1.07(0.48 to 2.4)
Smoking at 5-year follow-up541
 Smoker7.6 (9)92.4 (110)Ref
 Non-smoker7.6 (32)92.4 (390)1.0(0.46 to 2.15)
Energy (kcal)546
 Quintile 5 (>2570.9)13 (14)87.0 (94)Ref
 Quintile 1–46.4 (28)93.6 (410)2.18(1.11 to 4.30)*
Fats (g)546
 Quintile 5 (>106)11 (12)89.0 (97)Ref
 Quintile 1–46.9 (30)93.1 (407)1.68(0.83 to 3.40)†
Top food group (servings/day)545
 Quintile 5 (>8.35)11 (12)89.0 (97)Ref
 Quintile 1–46.9 (30)93.1 (406)1.67(0.83 to 3.39)†
Fruits veg food group (servings/day)546
 Quintile 1 (<4.5)9.1 (10)90.9 (100)Ref
 Quintile 2–57.3 (32)92.7 (404)1.26(0.60 to 2.65)
Education level534
 Lower10.4 (25)89.6 (215)Ref
 Third level5.8 (17)94.2 (277)1.90(1.00 to 3.60)*
 Not earning6.4 (15)93.6 (221)Ref
 Employed9 (22)91.0 (222)0.69(0.35 to 1.36)
 Self-employed7.7 (5)92.3 (60)0.81(0.29 to 2.33)
Self-reported health546
 Relatively negative17.1 (27)82.9 (131)Ref
 Relatively positive3.9 (15)96.1 (373)5.10(2.64 to 9.93)**
Paternal characteristics
BMI at 5-year follow-up (kg/m2)66(4)28.4 (5.5)(62)27.9 (4.1)0.97(0.76 to 1.23)
Waist circumference (cm)65(3)94.9 (7.6)(62)95.9 (1.3)1.01(0.90 to 1.13)
Height (cm)66(4)175.2 (2.0)(62)175.5 (8.0)1.01(0.88 to 1.15)
Smoking at 5-year follow-up521
 Smoker11.5 (16)88.5 (123)Ref
 Non-smoker5.5 (21)94.5 (361)2.24(1.13 to 4.42)*
Education level514
 Lower11.1 (16)88.9 (128)Ref
 Third level6.2 (23)93.8 (347)1.89(0.97 to 3.68)^
 Not earning9.2 (8)90.8 (79)Ref
 Employed7.9 (24)92.1 (279)1.18(0.51 to 2.72)
 Self-employed3.9 (5)96.1 (123)2.49(0.79 to 7.89)†
Self-reported health510
 Relatively negative12.6 (20)87.4 (139)Ref
 Relatively positive4.6 (16)95.4 (335)3.01(1.52 to 5.99)**
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ^p<0.1, †p<0.2.

  • BMI, body mass index; IOTF, International Obesity Task Force; Ref, reference category (OR=1); PRH, parent-rated health.