Table 3

Follow-up services for critical care survivors posthospital discharge

N (%)
Form of follow-up
 ICU follow-up clinic39 (84.8)
 Rehabilitation class10 (21.7)
 Other6 (13.0)
 Did not specify2 (4.3)
 Postal survey1 (2.2)
 Telephone call1 (2.2)
 Medical outpatient appointment0 (0)
Multidisciplinary team member
 Physiotherapist43 (89.6)
 Critical care nurse42 (87.5)
 Critical care doctor31 (64.6)
 Psychologist10 (20.8)
 Dietician2 (4.2)
 Occupational therapist2 (4.2)
Content of follow-up
 HRQL40 (83.3)
 Psychological status39 (81.3)
 Medical status34 (70.8)
 Nursing-related issues29 (60.4)
 Exercise capacity28 (58.3)
 Diet/nutrition24 (50.0)
 Other9 (18.8)
  • For follow-up, n=frequency of reported occurrence out of 46 responses. Multiple forms of follow-up could be indicated. Other included informal coffee morning, patient support group, physiotherapy outreach, ad hoc appointments with ICU nursing staff. For multidisciplinary team members, n=frequency of reported occurrence out of 48 responses. Multiple team members could be listed. For follow-up content, n=frequency of reported occurrence out of 48 responses. Multiple content could be listed. Other included ‘problem-based’ or ‘patient-dependent’ discussion.

  • HRQL, health-related quality of life; ICU, intensive care unit.