TableĀ 1

Baseline demographic and measured values of studied participants

Total participants: 99Males=54
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
Age (years)13.8 (2.0)14.13 (2.2)
Weight (kg)*41.7 (12.5)43.6 (8.2)
BMI (kg/m2)*17.7 (3.5)19.0 (3.4)
SC-SF (mm) *9.9 (6.1)14.1 (5.4)
T-SF (mm) *11.4 (7.1)16.0 (6.1)
FM by DZ-Eq8.9 (5.4)12.7 (4.1)
FM by G-Eq20.7 (4.1)28.6 (3.2)
%BF BY SL-Eq10.7 (9.3)13.3 (5.1)
DEXA FM*8.3 (5.6)10.2 (3.2)
DEXA %BF*19.1 (7.6)29.6 (5.1)
  • *p Value <0.05.

  • BMI, body mass index, DZ-Eq, Dezenberg equation; FM, fat mass; G-Eq, Goran equation; %BF, percentage body fat; SC-SF, subscapular skin fold; SL-Eq, Slaughter equation; T-SF, tricep SF.