Table 3

Impact of grant writing on the researchers, by location of primary institution

 Researchers, n=215
Personal workloadsRow (%)AgreeDisagree
I give top priority to writing my proposals over my other work commitments
 Major city, Group of Eight (Go8)*982
 Major city, not Go8955
I give top priority to writing my proposals over my personal commitments
 Major city, Go89010
 Major city, not Go88317
I get stressed by the workload required to write my proposals
 Major city, Go8928
 Major city, not Go8955
I restrict any holidays with my family and friends to focus on writing my proposals
 Major city, Go89010
 Major city, not Go88614
Motivation to submit proposals
I submit proposals each year because chance is involved in being funded
 Major city, Go87525
 Major city, not Go87228
I submit proposals to meet the academic performance requirements of my institution
 Major city, Go86041
 Major city, not Go85744
I feel pressure from my colleagues to submit proposals
 Major city, Go85347
 Major city, not Go84851
  • Missing data not shown. Row percentage may not add to 100 due to rounding.

  • *Research-intensive university as part of the Go8.