Table 3

The number of component studies in Cochrane reviews and of original RCTs with reporting of selected STRICTA items

ItemsComponent studies in Cochrane reviewsOriginal RCTsDifference (95% CI)*
A. Acupuncture rationale
 (1) Style of acupuncture treatment59/92(64.1)66/92(71.7)7.6 (1.1 to 14.1)
 (2) Reasoning of treatment6/92(6.5)42/92(45.6)39.1 (28.1 to 50.2)
 (3) Extent to which treatment was varied76/92(82.6)87/92(94.6)12.0 (4.2 to 19.5)
Total section A
B. Needling details
 (1) Number of needles76/92(82.6)84/92(91.3)8.7 (1.9 to 15.5)
 (2) Names of points74/92(80.4)84/92(91.3)10.9 (2.7 to 19.0)
 (3) Depths of insertion36/92(39.1)41/92(44.6)5.4 (−7.1 to 17.9)
 (4) Response to needle53/92(57.6)63/92(68.5)10.9 (0.0 to 21.7)
 (5) Needle stimulation42/92(45.7)64/92(69.6)23.9 (13.6 to 34.2)
 (6) Retention time69/92(75.0)81/92(88.0)13.0 (4.4 to 21.6)
 (7) Needle type18/92(19.6)60/92(65.2)45.7 (34.4 to 56.9)
Total section B
C. Treatment regimen
 (1) Number of sessions85/92(92.4)90/92(97.8)5.4 (−0.3 to 11.2)
 (2) Frequency/duration85/92(92.4)88/92(95.7)3.3 (−2.5 to 9.1)
Total section C
D. Treatment context
 (1) Details of other treatments15/92(16.3)31/92(33.7)17.4 (8.6 to 26.2)
 (2) Setting and context2/92(2.2)19/92(20.7)18.5 (9.5 to 27.5)
Total section D
E. Practitioner background
 (1) Description of acupuncturists56/92(60.9)51/92(55.4)−5.4 (−15.2 to −4.4)
  • *Higher number means favourable results to RCTs.

  • RCTs, randomised controlled trials.