Table 2

Cumulative weight loss at end of each phase from first clinic visit in phase 1

NPer centMean change and 95% CI (kg)Lost ≥5 kgLost ≥5%
Phase 1
Completers132271.9−4.02 (−4.3 to −3.8)471 (36%)377 (29%)
All cases
 BOCF1838−2.89 (−3.1 to −2.7)471 (26%)377 (21%)
 LOCF1838−3.06 (−3.3 to −2.9)480 (26%)381 (21%)
Phase 1+2
Completers63934.8−6.38 (−6.9 to −5.8)349 (55%)313 (49%)
All cases
 BOCF1838−2.22 (−2.5 to −2.0)349 (19%)313 (17%)
 LOCF1838−3.6 (−3.9 to −3.4)550 (30%)468 (25%)
Phases 1+2+3*
Completers20811.3−8.48 (−9.7 to −7.2)121 (58%)117 (56%)
All cases
 BOCF1838−0.96 (−1.1 to −0.8)121 (7%)117 (6%)
 LOCF1838−3.56 (−3.8 to −3.3)509 (28%)434 (24%)
  • Completers attended ≥4 sessions in phase 1, ≥2 sessions in phase 2 and ≥6 sessions in phase 3.

  • Duration of phases: phase 1, 16 weeks; phase 2, 3 months (may be repeated); phase 3, 12 months.

  • *Phase 3 completers must have completed phase 1, and phase 2 if they entered it.

  • BOCF, baseline observation carried forward; LOCF, last observation carried forward.