Table 3

Laboratory assessment of 105 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome

 1976–1992 (n=50)1993–2005 (n=55)Total (n=105)p Value
Rheumatoid factor, positive (%)3714 (38)4532 (71)8246 (56)0.002
Antinuclear antibodies, positive (%)3720 (54)5242 (81)8962 (70)0.007
Anti-SSA, positive (%)177 (41)4838 (79)6545 (69)0.004
Anti-SSB, positive (%)186 (33)4830 (63)6636 (55)0.034
Hypergammaglobulinaemia, present (%)3816 (42)4426 (59)8242 (51)0.12
Histopathology, available (%)063 (50)63 (50)
  • N is the number of patients with parameter reported in the medical records.

  • *Value is N (%) or median (minimum, maximum). Percentages are calculated based on available N.