Table 2

Possible determinants in the COMPAS study

Demographic variablesAge, gender, education, marital status, living situation, residence, employment status, hand preferencePXXXX
Clinical characteristics
 Stroke-specificLifetime history of stroke, type, side, classification according to the Oxford Community Stroke Project,27 severity within 24 h after admission using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale,28 treatment, poststroke complications, length of hospital stay, discharge destinationP
 GeneralVascular risk factors, comorbidity (Cumulative Illness Rating Scale29), (re-) admissions to hospital, medication use, current participation in rehabilitation therapyXXXX
Health status12-Item Short Form Health Survey30XXX
Premorbid status
 Cognitive declineInformant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly—short form15PC
 IQ estimationDutch version National Adult Reading Test31X
 Cognitive complaintsSelf-made item: “in the previous months (before your stroke), have you experienced cognitive complaints?”PC
 Depressive complaintsSelf-made item: ‘‘in the previous months (before your stroke), have you experienced depressive complaints?”PC
 Anxiety complaintsSelf-made item: ‘‘in the previous months (before your stroke), have you experienced anxiety complaints?”PC
Current comorbid complaints
 Depressive complaintsHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale—subscale depression32XXXX
 Anxiety complaintsHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale—subscale anxiety32XXXX
 FatigueFatigue Assessment Scale33XXXX
 StressPerceived Stress Scale, 4-item version34XXX
Personal factorsXXX
 Coping styleUtrecht Coping List—15-item version35X
 Personality trait—neuroticismEysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised Short Scale—subscale neuroticism36X
 Personality trait—extraversionEysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised Short Scale—Extraversion subscale36X
 Type DType D scale-1437X
 Participants’ awareness of SCCCognitive Failures Questionnaire completed by proxyXXXX
Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional Consequences completed by proxyXXXX
 Life eventsSelf-made item concerning the presence and impact of a positive or negative life event: “Last year, did something happen in your life which had a major impact on you? This may be something either pleasant or sad”XXX
  • C, control group only; P, patient group only; SCC, subjective cognitive complaints; T0, clinical phase; T1, 3 months poststroke; T2, 6 months poststroke; T3, 1 year poststroke; T4, 2 years poststroke; X, instrument used in both patients and controls.