Table 2

Recovery trajectories over 18 months by study arm

Trajectory type
Study armPositiveNegativeMixedNeutral
ACT (n=9)6030
CONG (n=10)5*03†2‡
HNTAU (n=7)0214
ICM (n=9)6030
MNTAU (n=8)3311
HF total (n=28)17092
TAU total (n=15)3525
  • *Two participants left the CONG residence within the first year and were living in supported housing elsewhere.

  • †Two of these participants left the CONG residence within the first year, one of whom was living in supported housing elsewhere and one of whom was living in an single room occupancy hotel (SRO).

  • ‡One of these participants left the CONG residence within the first year and was living in an SRO.

  • ACT, Assertive Community Treatment; HF, Housing First; HN, High Need; MN, Moderate Need; TAU, Treatment as Usual.