Table 1

Clinical characteristics

CharacteristicsTotal N=51 (100)Non-AE group† N=40 (78)AE group‡ N=11 (22)p Value§
Median age, years (range)
 At RA diagnosis61 (28–82)60 (28–81)65 (42–82)0.15
 At ILD diagnosis62 (31–83)62 (31–83)69 (58–83)0.15
 At AE onset72 (60–86)
Sex male, n (%)29 (57)23 (58)6 (55)0.86
Observation period, years (range)8.5 (1–17)9 (1–17)6.4 (2–14)0.45
AE-free period, years (range)7 (1–17)9 (1–17)6 (2–14)0.19
Smoking habit, n (%)
 Never20 (39)18 (45)2 (18)0.15
 Former24 (47)16 (40)8 (73)
 Current7 (14)6 (15)1 (9)
RF, IU/mL (range)¶197 (6–2666)189 (6–2666)205 (39–2530)0.47
DAS28-CRP, score (range)¶1.95 (1.02–5.13)2.53 (1.02–5.13)1.82 (1.47–2.3)0.62
PaO2, torr (range)82.4 (67–109)81 (67–102)85.8 (74–109)0.19
%FVC, % (range)91.1 (50.6–130)87.5 (51–130)95 (60–125)0.38
HRCT pattern, n (%)
 UIP pattern14 (27)8 (20)6 (55)0.02*
 Non-UIP pattern37 (73)32 (80)5 (45)
Death during observation period, n (%)
 Caused by respiratory failure9 (18)2 (5)7 (64)0.02*
 Caused by other diseases3 (6)3 (8)0 (0)
  • Data are presented as n (%), median (range).

  • When HRCT pattern was identified as a UIP pattern, the positive predictive value and negative predictive value for AE occurrence was 42.9% and 86.5%, respectively.

  • In the AE group, seven patients died of respiratory failure caused by AE. In the non-AE group, two died of respiratory failure caused by bacterial pneumonia or pneumocystis pneumonia, one of gastric bleeding and two of unknown causes.

  • *p< 0.05.

  • †Non-AE group, patients who did not develop AE during observation period.

  • ‡AE group, patients who developed AE during observation period.

  • §Non-AE group versus AE group.

  • ¶At the first AE occurrence (AE group) or the last visit (non-AE group).

  • AE, acute exacerbation; DAS28-CRP, disease activity score 28 C reactive protein; %FVC, predicted forced vital capacity; HRCT, high resolution CT; ILD, interstitial lung disease; PaO2, arterial oxygen pressure; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; UIP pattern, usual interstitial pneumonia pattern.