Table 3

Hypertension prevalence and percentage with hypertension, aware, treated, controlled, by sex, age group and country

 PrevalenceAwareTreatedTreated and controlledTreated and not controlledAware, not treated
Per centSEPer centSEPer centSEPer centSEPer centSEPer centSE
  • Hypertension: systolic pressure≥140 or diastolic pressure≥90 or currently taking blood pressure-lowering medication.

  • Awareness, treatment and control were assessed among those with hypertension.

  • Aware: Self-report of having been diagnosed as hypertensive by a doctor or nurse, excluding women diagnosed during pregnancy (England); Self-reported BP medication use in the past month or self-reported high-blood pressure (Canada); Self-report of having been diagnosed as hypertensive by a doctor or nurse, excluding women diagnosed during pregnancy (USA).

  • Treated: Taking medication to lower blood pressure recorded by the nurse (England); taking medication to lower blood pressure, self-report (Canada, USA).

  • Treated and controlled: taking medication to lower blood pressure and DBP <90  and SBP<140 mm  Hg.

  • Treated and uncontrolled: taking medication to lower blood pressure and DBP >=90 or SBP >=140 mm  Hg.

  • Aware, not treated: Self-reported of having been diagnosed as hypertensive by a doctor or nurse, not taking medication to lower blood pressure (ENGLAND); Self-reported of having been told by a healthcare provider that they have high blood pressure, not taking medication to lower blood pressure (Canada); Self-reported of having been told by a healthcare provider that they have high blood pressure, not taking medication to lower blood pressure (USA).

  • Unaware: No self-report of having been diagnosed as hypertensive by a doctor or nurse (ENGLAND); no self-report of having been told that they have high-blood pressure and no self-report of BP medication use in the past month (Canada); no self-report of having been told that they have high-blood pressure (USA).

  • *Interpret with caution (coefficient of variation 16.6–33.3%).

  • †Too unreliable to be reported (coefficient of variation greater than 33.3%).