Table 1

Statin effect sizes adjusted for confounders

Statin effect sizep Value*FavoursFinal model
Primary endpoint†
 Δ Adjusted mean ACT score2.2±0.940.02Statin userStatin use, obesity, GERD, h/o smoking and FVC predict ACT score
Secondary endpoints
Lung function
 ΔFEV1 (L)0.036±0.060.56Statin userAge, FEV1% predicted and FVC predict FEV1
 ΔFVC (L)0.026±0.180.88Statin userAge and ethnicity predict FVC
 ΔFEF25–75% (L)0.088±0.160.59Statin userAge, FEV1% predicted, FVC and montelukast predict FEF25–75%
 ΔPEFR (L/min)−26.8±25.70.92Non userSystemic steroid use, PPI or H2-blockers, and FVC predict PEFR
 Corticosteroid burst0.930.84Statin userFEV1% predicted, h/o smoking and DM predict the need for a steroid burst in clinic
 Albuterol inhaler use0.460.41Statin userICS use strongly predicts albuterol inhaler use
 Ipratropium inhaler use0.830.71Statin userAge, h/o smoking, and FVC predict ipratropium inhaler use
 Limited physical activity1.090.91Non userAspirin use and FVC predict limited physical activity
 Nocturnal symptoms1.710.39Non userObesity predicts nocturnal symptoms/awakening
Peripheral blood counts
 Δ Total WCC (K/mm3)−0.77±0.720.29Systemic steroid use predicts change in WCC
 Δ Absolute eosinophil count0.024±0.060.68Non userNo variable in the model predicts the change in absolute eosinophil count (see online supplement)
 Δ% Eosinophil count0.28±0.640.66Non userSystemic corticosteroid and aspirin use predict the % eosinophil count
  • Δ This symbol represents ‘delta’ or the change due to the statin's effect, hence, ‘statin effect size’.

  • *p Values represent the significance of statin use in the final model.

  • †Statin effect sizes are listed as the model estimate±SE. ACT was adjusted for the confounders of obesity, GERD, h/o smoking and FVC.

  • ‡Statin effect sizes are listed as ORs.

  • ACT, Asthma Control Test questionnaire; DM, diabetes mellitus; FVC, forced vital capacity; GERD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; h/o, history of; H2, histamine receptor-2; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate; PPI, proton-pump inhibitor; WCC, white cell count.