Table 4

Numbers (and percentages) of negative responses for items on the observational checklist concerning communication between doctor and woman during labour/delivery, unless otherwise stated

Control period N=565Intervention period N=631Control period N=565Intervention period N=631
Mean (SD) of the average score0.34 (0.13)0.39 (0.10)
Mean (SD) of the average score for complete checklist0.34 (0.10)0.39 (0.09)
Checklist itemChecklist item
Did the doctor identify himself/herself?539 (100)621 (99)Was the woman asked any questions at this stage?168 (32)94 (15)
Did the doctor call the woman by her name?132 (24)99 (16)Did the woman ask any questions at this stage?292 (56)281 (46)
Did the doctor take the woman's permission to examine her?326 (61)305 (49)Did the doctor respond to her queries?275 (63)342 (64)
Did the doctor explain the plan he/she will follow?497 (92)577 (92)Was the doctor responsive to the woman's pain?285 (59)333 (57)
Before starting the vaginal examination, did the doctorWas the woman encouraged at this stage?186 (40)239 (42)
 Take her permission for the exam?335 (62)262 (42)Was the woman told about the proximity of labour?242 (55)363 (66)
 Close the door?472 (88)568 (91)Was the woman told about the stages of labour?399 (95)533 (98)
 Cover the woman during the exam?315 (59)116 (18)Was the woman told about her role during labour?347 (83)508 (94)
 Ask the woman to bend her knees?210 (39)79 (13)During delivery, was the woman asked to push?26 (6)23 (4)
After completing the vaginal examination, did the doctorDid they explain to the woman when and how to push?237 (57)230 (42)
 Tell the woman the results of the exam?418 (78)504 (81)Did the woman ask any questions at this stage?284 (68)296 (55)
 Explain the next steps to be followed?486 (91)586 (94)Did the doctor respond to her queries?264 (77)330 (72)
 Relay the findings to other team members?241 (45)102 (16)Did the doctor inform the mother about her baby's status?307 (75)386 (72)
 Relay the findings to the midwives/nurses?393 (80)579 (93)Was the woman congratulated after the delivery?217 (53)214 (40)
Did the doctor give instructions about eating and drinking?463 (87)516 (83)Was the woman instructed about the process after the delivery?392 (95)515 (96)
Did the doctor give instructions about movement?335 (63)428 (70)Was the woman instructed about how to care for her newborn?409 (99)534 (99)
  • Owing to missing information some of the percentages do not tie up with the total number given. The columns compare the numbers all the intervention clusters to the control clusters.