Table 3

Types of material participants would consider unprofessional in principle if posted to Facebook

Online behaviourPercentage classifying as ‘unprofessional’
Posts that disclose information about a patient/client99
Posts depicting illicit drug consumption94
Petty criminal activity91
Photos of a patient/client91
Posts involving overt sexual content86
Attitudes of superiority or condescending behaviour (assumed because of professional status)73
Posts containing partial nudity82
Obscene gestures in photos (middle finger, etc)72
Status updates describing substantial alcohol consumption at a party69
Pictures of an individual clearly acting drunk68
Endorsements of a pharmaceutical or health product without a conflict of interest disclosure58
Critical comments about a lecturer or preceptor69
Swearing or foul language60
Critical comments of course material, your programme, faculty or the university49
Posts describing an interaction with a patient/client, that do not reveal any identifying information40
Making opinionated comments about controversial issues22
Displaying membership in online groups dealing with controversial issues17
A picture of an individual having one alcoholic beverage9
Displaying your current relationship status5