Table 3

Characteristics (statistical and phenomenological) of patients with CFS

Sleep phenotypeCentral differential featuresAssociated diagnostic featuresHow this may present subjectively
1Long Sleep Onset Latency, Long REM Latency, High amounts of Slow Wave Sleep and low amounts of REMLow amounts of stage 2 sleepProblems in getting off to sleep but when asleep few awakenings. The sleep that is obtained is of normal quality
2 High number of arousals per hour and high amounts of stage 2 sleepNo difficulties in getting off to sleep and few awakenings but feelings or evidence of a ‘restless’ night sleep
3High Total Sleep Time, low amounts of time awake during the night and low number of wake periods during the nightHigh amounts of REM Sleep, Short Sleep Onset Latency, Low number of Awakenings, Short REM Latencies and low amounts of stage 1 sleepNo difficulties in getting off to sleep and few awakenings but feelings of being unrefreshed on waking despite a significant amount of time in bed asleep
4Highest number of wake periods during the night and highest amounts of time awake during the nightLow Total Sleep Time, Low number of arousals per hour during the night and Low amounts of Slow Wave SleepShort sleep duration and although no difficulties getting off to sleep lots of awakenings for significant periods of time. Also increased feelings of daytime sleepiness
  • CFS,chronic fatigue syndrome; REM,Rapid Eye Movement.