Table 1

Logistic regression analysis of the importance assigned to empirical evidence (median score of quite/very important in comparison to limited importance/not important/did not use)

VariableOR (95% CI)Significance
Female gender1.779(1.007 to 3.144)0.047
Role (commissioning and contracts)0.320(0.180 to 0.570)<0.005
Role (finance)0.194(0.048 to 0.779)0.21
Role (other)0.349(0.171 to 0.713)0.04
  • Reference category for role is Public Health. Variable(s) entered on step 1: gender, age, years' experience of NHS commissioning, work role, pay and whether the respondent has any medical qualifications. Likelihood ratio test χ2 (2)=25.3, p<0.0005, Cox and Snell R2=0.09, Nagelkerke R2=0.12, Hosmer and Lemeshow χ2 (4)=1.1, p=0.9, c-statistic=0.65.