Table 3

Summary information on the specifications used to build the CHAID model and the resulting model

Model componentsModel specificationResults
Dependent variableHIV statusHIV+=13.6%
Independent variablesAge, age at first sex, marital status, ever had a child, age at first birth, experience premarital childbearing, relationship to the head of household, region of residence, place of residence, education, wealth index, religionMarital status, age, wealth index, relationship to the head of household, region of residence, place of residence
Maximum tree depth33
Minimum cases in parent node100100
Minimum cases in child node5050
Number of nodes21
Number of terminal nodes13
Overall predicted correct percentage86.8
  • Twelve independent variables were specified, but only six were included in the final model. The variables such as age at first sex, age at first birth and female education did not make a significant contribution to the model, so they were automatically dropped from the final model. Overall, there are 21 nodes among which 13 terminal nodes. Parent nodes include at least 100 cases whereas child nodes account for 50 cases in minimum

  • CHAID, χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector.