Table 1

Concepts pertinent to the research project

Clinical reasoningThe way health professionals solve problems and make decisions regarding direct or indirect client care8
Health professionalsHealth professionals who practise in public settings, for example: physicians; nurses; occupational, physical, speech or respiratory therapists; dieticians; social workers; psychologists
Institutional dimensionLegal, regulatory, administrative and organisational aspects of the context21 22;
  • Legal: relative to legislation

  • Regulatory: relative to regulations

  • Administrative: relative to healthcare policies

  • Organisational: relative to work organisation such as schedule, waiting lists, caseload, etc

Practice contextMultidimensional meso or micro environment within which health professionals’ interventions take place. Micro environment is the level at which the health professional and the client interact (eg, clinical setting).23 Meso environment is the intermediate level joining micro and macro environments (eg, regional agencies). Dimensions can be physical, social, cultural and institutional21 22
Societal contextMultidimensional macroenvironment within which health professionals’ interventions take place. Macro environment is the superior level of the healthcare organisation (eg, government, provincial health and social services department).23 Dimensions can be physical, social, cultural and institutional21