Table 4

Crude and adjusted logistic regression analyses on associations between mothers’ LMW jobs and asthma in 7-year-old children

Crude total (n=26991)Adjusted total (n=25025)Crude AD children (n=4827)Adjusted AD children (n=4480)Crude non-AD children (n=22164)Adjusted non-AD children (n=20545)
Plastic work (250)1.09(0.78 to 1.53)1.10(0.77 to 1.58)1.23(0.67 to 2.27)1.25(0.66 to 2.36)1.00(0.67 to 1.51)0.99(0.64 to 1.55)
Paperwork (117)0.69(0.39 to 1.24)0.73(0.41 to 1.32)0.47(0.11 to 2.05)0.56(0.12 to 2.51)0.78(0.41 to 1.45)0.80(0.42 to 1.51)
Stonework (164)1.14(0.76 to 1.72)0.93(0.60 to 1.44)1.85(0.86 to 3.99)1.04(0.43 to 2.55)0.97(0.59 to 1.59)0.89(0.53 to 1.48)
Woodwork (86)0.99(0.55 to 1.79)0.94(0.51 to 1.72)0.64(0.14 to 2.89)0.62(0.14 to 2.86)1.11(0.59 to 2.12)1.02(0.53 to 1.99)
Food work (950)1.33(1.13 to 1.57)1.12(0.93 to 1.34)1.50(1.04 to 2.15)1.19(0.80 to 1.77)1.33(1.11 to 1.60)1.13(0.92 to 1.38)
Chemical work 155)1.50(1.02 to 2.21)1.30(0.86 to 1.97)0.98(0.42 to 2.28)0.69(0.28 to 1.73)1.68(1.09 to 2.60)1.54(0.97 to 2.45)
Cleaning (635)1.24(1.01 to 1.52)1.06(0.85 to 1.32)1.89(1.25 to 2.87)1.56(0.98 to 2.47)1.12(0.88 to 1.42)0.96(0.75 to 1.25)
Metal work (192)1.33(0.92 to 1.90)1.17(0.80 to 1.72)1.37(0.63 to 2.98)1.21(0.54 to 2.72)1.33(0.88 to 2.01)1.16(0.75 to 1.79)
Electronic work (90)1.11(0.64 to 1.94)0.93(0.51 to 1.70)1.56(0.48 to 5.08)1.61(0.47 to 5.56)1.05(0.55 to 1.98)0.81(0.40 to 1.65)
Hairdressing (393)1.35(1.05 to 1.74)1.29(0.99 to 1.69)1.31(0.73 to 2.33)1.44(0.78 to 2.66)1.40(1.06 to 1.86)1.31(0.97 to 1.76)
Textile work (114)1.25(0.78 to 2.02)1.13(0.68 to 1.88)1.37(0.57 to 3.28)1.11(0.43 to 2.89)1.17(0.66 to 2.08)1.10(0.60 to 2.00)
Assembly work (322)1.32(1.00 to 1.75)1.14(0.84 to 1.54)1.23(0.65 to 2.33)1.03(0.51 to 2.09)1.38(1.01 to 1.89)1.20(0.86 to 1.67)
Transport work (237)1.45(1.05 to 1.99)1.25(0.89 to 1.76)1.17(0.59 to 2.33)1.01(0.48 to 2.10)1.54(1.08 to 2.20)1.32(0.90 to 1.94)
Reference (23286)111111
  • Models adjusted for: maternal age, BMI, smoking during pregnancy, atopic status, use of medicine during pregnancy, furry animal ownership during pregnancy, parity, sex of the child and the child being small for gestational age.

  • AD, atopic dermatitis; BMI, body mass index; LMW, low molecular weight.