Table 6

Multivariable logistic regression results

Visual impairment (including blindness)Below UK driving standard
(<6/18) n=60(<6/10) n=484
OR95% CIp ValueOR95% CIp Value
Age (per 10 years)2.76(1.97 to 3.86)<0.0012.48(2.20 to 2.81)<0.001
 Female1.09(0.63 to 1.87)0.761.33(1.09 to 1.63)0.005
BMI (per 5 Kg/m2)0.90(0.65 to 1.24)0.530.95(0.85 to 1.06)0.37
Social class
 Managerial/technical0.68(0.24 to 1.93)0.470.98(0.67 to 1.45)0.93
 Skilled non-manual1.06(0.33 to 3.34)0.931.29(0.84 to 1.96)0.25
 Skilled manual1.29(0.42 to 3.94)0.651.28(0.84 to 1.96)0.25
 Partly skilled1.08(0.32 to 3.70)0.901.12(0.70 to 1.79)0.64
 Unskilled2.47(0.59 to 10.37)0.221.29(0.65 to 2.53)0.47
 Test for trend1.03(1.00 to 1.06)0.091.01(1.00 to 1.02)0.09
Education level
 A level0.63(0.27 to 1.49)0.291.25(0.90 to 1.72)0.18
 O level0.15(0.02 to 1.24)0.081.34(0.89 to 2.02)0.16
 Less than O level1.34(0.56 to 3.21)0.511.49(1.05 to 2.11)0.024
 Test for trend1.26(0.97 to 1.64)0.081.12(1.02 to 1.23)0.022
Smoking status
 Ever1.39(0.80 to 2.39)0.241.19(0.98 to 1.45)0.08
  • OR and 95% CI for the WHO definition of visual impairment/blindness, and better eye presenting visual acuity worse than the UK driving standard. All variables presented were included together in each of the two models. Results are for participants with complete data for all the variables presented (n=8411).

  • BMI, body mass index.