Table 3

Quality rating criteria for primary goal statements—WHO ICF domain and SMART description used during ULIS-II validation process

RatingWHO ‘ICF’ domain, disability and healthExample
ASome goal statements contain reference to functional activities at the level of disability or participation—may be ‘active’ or ‘passive’ function*Reference to meaningful activities such as ease of self-care, reduced care burden, mobility, community-based activities, work-related function, etc
BGoal statements contain reference to impairment onlyReference to movement, range, grip strength, spasticity, clonus, etc
CGoal statements contain reference to anatomical structures onlyReference to extension, flexion, pronation, etc
Rating‘SMART’ descriptionExample
++There is a SMART goal description, sufficiently detailed and specific to make accurate GAS rating‘To be able to type a four-word sentence with only a single typing error using index fingers in 15 s’
+There is some clear goal description sufficient to support GAS rating, but still reliant on subjective interpretation‘To be able to open and close hand, as well as use fingers more in household chores’
No clear goal description‘To use the hand more easily’
  • *‘Active’ function refers to using the affected limb in some motor activity, preferably for an identified functional purpose. ‘Passive’ function includes tasks related to caring for the affected limb (whether by a carer or by the person him/herself).

  • GAS, goal attainment scaling; ICF, International Classification of Functioning; SMART, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed; ULIS, Upper Limb International Spasticity.