Table 4

Details of the revision cases in the study

Signs and symptomsMale:femaleModerate/severe soft tissue destruction (%)Osteolysis (%)Percentage of ALVAL or mixed response (percentage of lymphoid neogenesis)Median (range) (blood Co) (µg/l)
Group 1 (n=21)
 Increasing pain and moderate large fluid effusion5:16478171 (43)17.8 (4.60–109.7)
Group 2 (n=11)
 Pain with small fluid effusion5:6185518 (0)23.3 (1.37–147)
Group 3 (n=4)
 Acute pain with femoral collapse3:1010025 (0)49.8 (12.0–271.0)
Group 4 (n=4)
 Minor discomfort and grossly elevated ions with mass (n=1) grinding sensation (n=1), gross femoral neck thinning (n=1), squeaking (n=1)3:1507550 (50)81.8 (11.6–164)
Avascular necrosis (non ARMD) (n=1)1:000Histiocytic1.90
  • ARMD, adverse reaction to metal debris; ALVAL, aseptic lymphocyte dominated vasculitis associated lesion; Co, cobalt.