Table 1

Physical appearance and self-reported information of Faroese and Danish men

 Faroese men (F1)Faroese men (F2)p Value*Faroese men (F1+F2)Danish men (D)p Value*
2007–2009 (N=241)2009–2010 (N=240)2007–2010 (N=481)2006–2010 (N=1274)
Physical appearance
 Age (years)25.3 (24.2–26.7)23.0 (22.0–24.0)<0.000524.0 (22.0–26.2)19.0 (18.4–21.8)<0.0005
 Height (cm)180.0 (169.9–189.9)180.0 (170.0–193.0)0.1180.0 (170.0–191.0)181.6 (171.1–193.0)<0.0005
 Weight (kg)80.3 (64.2–106.2)78.00 (62.9–105.1)0.280.0 (63.1–105.9)74.1 (60.1–96.0)<0.0005
 BMI (kg/m2)25.0 (20.6–32.3)24.3 (20.4–32.1)0.0324.6 (20.5–32.1)22.4 (18.7–28.6)<0.0005
 Testes size (ml)†21.5 (15.3–25.0)NANA23 (14–29)
 Alcohol per week (units)5(0–25)6 (0–26)0.085 (0–25)12 (0–42)<0.0005
 Current smokers44.041.30.542.645.40.4
 Mother smoked in pregnancy22.4‡37.50.0533.629.10.4
 Taken medication§23.731.30.0727.415.1<0.0005
Been treated for¶
Been diagnosed as having††
 Cryptorchidism reported8.712.
 Sexually transmitted disease‡‡
 Ever caused a pregnancy†25.7NANA6.8
 Experienced fertility problems¶¶<0.0005
  • Results shown as medians (5–95th percentile) or percentages.

  • *Mann-Whitney test.

  • †Mean of two testes. Testes size was not measured in Faroese men born in 1986–1987, and the question ‘Have you ever caused a pregnancy’ was not asked in this group.

  • ‡Information only available for 189 mothers.

  • §Taken any medication 3 months prior to participation in the study.

  • ¶‘Have you ever been treated for…’

  • **Hormonal, surgical or combination.

  • ††‘Has a doctor ever diagnosed you as having.....’

  • ‡‡Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, warts or herpes.

  • §§Have you ever…’

  • ¶¶Ever had regular intercourse without use of contraception for at least 6 months (Faroese men) or 1 year (Danish men) without partner becoming pregnant. BMI, body mass index; NA, not available.