Table 4

Risks of lung cancer mortality (1950–1999) and cancer incidence (1969–1999) and 95% CIs by category of cumulative RDP exposure and type of primary exposure, male Port Hope workers

Cumulative exposure (WLM)Mean exposure (WLM)Number of deathsNumber of person-yearsRR* and 95% CIp Value
Lung cancer mortality
0.00–016306881.00 (reference)0.56†
0.01–1.233286660.80 (0.41 to 1.58)
3.5–7.930124601.67 (0.34 to 3.33)
15–26.91165181.37 (0.58 to 3.25)
50.0–626.0177.9946681.42 (0.53 to 3.84)
ERR/100 WLM and 95% CI*
All workers with no mining experience15.999829990.21 (<−0.45 to 1.59)0.54‡
Uranium workers9.678648800.39 (<−1.22 to 4.52)0.83§
Radium workers26.821181190.21 (<−0.34 to 1.63)
Cumulative Exposure (WLM)Mean exposure (WLM)Number of cases¶Number of person-yearsRR* and 95% CIp Value
Lung cancer incidence
0.00–018265501.00 (reference)0.21†
0.01–1.237171130.89 (0.46 to 1.72)
3.5–7.92967231.80 (0.91 to 3.57)
15.0–27.21532892.28 (1.03 to 5.02)
50.0–590.3161.1918572.05 (0.77 to 5.44)
ERR/100 WLM and 95% CI*
All workers with no mining experience11.9108555310.77 (<−0.19 to 3.39)0.15‡
Uranium workers7.086460943.33 (−0.04 to 12.94)0.15§
Radium workers24.02294370.83 (<−0.30 to 3.72)
  • *Adjusted for age at risk, calendar year at risk and duration of employment by stratification.

  • †p Values of the test of linear trend based on mean values for exposure categories.

  • ‡p Values from the likelihood ratio test comparing models with and without exposure variable.

  • §p Values from the likelihood ratio test for interaction by subcohort.

  • ¶Number of cases based on the earliest cancer diagnosis where each subject could contribute at most one cancer.

  • ERR/100 WLM, excess relative risk per 100 WLM; RDP, radon decay products; RR, relative risk; WLM, working level months.