Table 5

Workplace-level variance and SE of random effects in the multilevel models, selected from tables 3 and 4

Null modelModel 0*Model 3†
VarianceSEVarianceSEPercentage of reduction of variance from the null modeVarianceSEPercentage reduction of variance from the null mode
(Group mean of) coworker support (total sexes, table 3)13.33.611.53.3143.51.273
A lack of helpfulness from coworker (total sexes, table 4)13.33.612.13.393.11.176
  • *Model 0 included only a contextual factor.

  • †Model 3 adjusted sex, age, employment grade, shift work, hours of overtime work, body mass index, walking, exercise, number of cigarettes per day, alcohol drinking, quantitative workload, qualitative job overload, physical demand, job control, interpersonal conflict, lack of conversable sense, trust and helpfulness at the individual level.