Table 3

Path analysis of internalised homonegativity and HIV-related risk behaviours

β*B95% CI of B
Analysis 1
Step 1: Structural variables predicting internalised homonegativity
 LGB legal climate (country level)−0.14−0.16−0.14 to −0.13
 Gini coefficient (country level)0.092.812.71 to 3.02
 Size of settlement (individual level) to 0.07
Step 2: Individual demographic and behavioural variables predicting internalised homonegativity (IH)
  ‘Outness’−0.51−0.46−0.45 to −0.46
 Age (per year)−0.08−0.01−0.01 to −0.01
Step 3. IH, social and demographic variables predicting having an HIV test
 IH (per 1)−0.01−0.01−0.01 to −0.01
 ‘Outness’−0.21−0.07−0.07 to −0.06
 Proportion of gay friends−0.14−0.04−0.04 to −0.04
 Education0.100.040.04 to 0.03
 Age (per year) to 0.01
Analysis 2
IH as a predictor of sexual variables
 Perceived control over sexual risk-taking (Y/N)−0.15−0.18−0.17 to  −0.19
 Sexual diversity−0.01−0.010.011 to  0.01
 Ever had an HIV test (Y/N)−0.13−0.40−0.38 to −0.42
 Relative frequency, condom use, non-steady partners in the past year0.030.030.03 to 0.03
  • LGB, lesbian, gay and bisexual.

  • *Forms path coefficients in figure 3.

  • β, standardised regression coefficient; B, unstandardised regression coefficient.