Table 2

Serial intervals, probability of infection, R0 and R for measles infections on the ships ‘America’, ‘Garrow’ and ‘Roslin Castle’ travelling from England to Australia, 1838–1882

Serial interval
ShipGenerationDays into voyageMeasles casesMean (95% CI)Probability of infectionBasic reproductive number (R0) (outbreak)Effective reproductive number (R) (outbreak)
243117 (12.7 to 21.3)0.13
222–28812 (11.2 to 13.1)0.22
335–412513 (12.7 to 13.5)0.54
445–492710 (9.3–10.0)0.2
Roslin Castle14–920.0510.91.6
214–242111 (10.3–12.5)0.47
328–362913 (13.0–13.6)0.59
Combined voyages3–410112.3 (12.1–12.5)
  • *The convict ship ‘America’ continued to take prisoners on board until day 27 of the voyage. The first three measles cases were put ashore at Woolwich, England on day 27.