Table 3

Description of injuries by sex

Total (n=110)Men (n=45)Women (n=65)
Injury in the past 12 months18 (16.4%)126
Multiple injuries in the past 12 months2 (1.8%)11
Location of injury occurrence
 Gymnasium11 (61.1%)65
 Weight room7 (38.9%)61
Injuries requiring medical care10 (55.6%)73
Hospital emergency room1 (10%)1
Family/private physician7 (70%)43
Other2 (20%)2
Injury serious enough to limit normal activities
 Yes7 (38.9%)43
 No11 (61.1%)83
Ability to continue participation in exercise class
 Yes8 (44.4%)62
 No10 (55.6%)44
Days missed attending exercise class due to injury (days, n=8)52±9066±10211±5.0