Table 1

Sources of referral into local (CPFT) CAMHS

Source of referralFrequencyPercentage of totalCumulative percentage
GP referral808241.5241.52
Other source of referral262513.4955.00
Consultant other than A & E* (acute)17779.1364.13
Local authority social services14127.2578.75
Education establishment/services12956.6585.41
Other clinical speciality (mental health)1,0295.2990.69
A+E department (mental health)4782.4693.15
Other—referred to consultant (acute)1850.9595.49
Not known1350.6996.18
Allied health professional (AHP)1090.5696.74
Specialist nurses or AHPs1080.5597.30
Legal courts (mental health)960.4997.79
Consultant referral request950.4998.28
A & E referral (acute)870.4598.73
Specialist nurse (secondary care)700.3699.09
Following emergency admission600.3199.39
Consultant for the trust320.1699.56
Emergency services (A+E)260.1399.69
Following A+E attendance (cancer)220.1199.80
Probation services (mental health)70.0499.84
Carer (mental health)60.0399.87
Same consultant50.0399.90
GPs with special interest20.0199.92
General dental practitioner20.0199.93
High security (mental health)20.0199.94
Permanent transfer from mental health unit20.0199.96
‘Choose and book’†10.0199.97
Consultant referral (cancer)10.0199.97
Health Care Professional (HCP) A+E10.0199.98
Medium security (mental health)10.0199.98
Minor injuries units10.0199.99
National screening Programmes10.0199.99
Optometrists and orthoptists10.01
  • The categories of referral were collapsed retaining those for the first 95% (bold) and collapsing the remainder (grey) into a single ‘other’ category for figure 1.

  • *Accident and emergency hospital.

  • †NHS electronic patient self-booking system.

  • CPFT, Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust; CAMHS, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.