Table 2

Number of changes in drug regimens during hospital stay, and within 4–5 months after discharge from hospital

No. of drugsMean (SD)Drug groups by ATC involved in changes (number of times)
Changes during hospital stay
 Start3042.9 (2.1)Antitrombotics B01A (56), betablocking agents C07A (18), laxantia A06A (17), hypnotics N05C (16). Drugs most often involved: acetylsalisylicacid, warfarin and metoprolol
 Dose adjustment 660.6 (0.9)Betablocking agents C07A (9), diuretics C03C (7), digitalis glycosides C01A (6). Drugs most often involved: metoprolol and loop-diuretics
 Stop 950.9 (1.2)Antitrombotics B01A (12), ACE inhibitors C09A/B (8), betablocking agents C07A (7), diuretics C03C (7). Drugs most often involved: loop-diuretics and metoprolol
Changes by GP after hospital stay
 Start1341.3 (1.4)Opioid analgesics N02A (17), weak analgesics N02B (12). Drugs most often involved: paracetamol and combination of codeine/paracetamol
 Dose adjustment 730.7 (1.1)Adrenergics for inhalation R03A (9), diuretics C03C (6), oral glucocorticoids H02A (6). Drugs most often involved: metoprolol and prednisolon
 Stop1501.4 (1.8)Antithrombotic agents B01A (14), hypnotics N05C (13), oral glucocorticoids H02A (11). Drugs most often involved: zopiclone and prednisolon
  • Number of changes* is shown on the ATC-3 level for drug groups that were most often changed. n=105 patients

  • *Some of the patients had more than one change.

  • ATC, the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification for drugs8; GP, general practitioner.