Table 2

Measures, data sources and data collection timeline by RE-AIM dimension and assessment level

Assessment level(s)MeasuresData sourcesTimeline
 Individual▸ Eligibility criteria▸ Patient-recruitment tracking system▸ Ongoing
▸ Demographic information▸ Survey items▸ HEALD-PCN specific:  baseline, 3–6 months
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific: baseline, 612 months
▸ Identified facilitators and barriers to recruitment
▸ Identified recommendations for improvement
▸ Interview data (PCN staff and ABCD team)▸ Baseline and midpoint
▸ Patient characteristics (participants vs population)▸ PCNs’ patient registry
▸ AH/ADSS data
▸ Post-intervention
 Organisation▸ Ability to estimate and identify targeted patient populations▸ Document review (standardised checklist)▸ Baseline
▸ Registry development and maintenance process issues, including identified facilitators and barriers
▸ Identified recommendations for improvement
▸ Interview data (PCN staff and ABCD team)▸ Baseline and midpoint
▸ Document review (field notes)▸ Ongoing
 IndividualPrimary outcomes: A1c, blood pressure, total cholesterol, & BMI
▸ HEALD-PCN specific: total # of steps
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific: Composite of PHQ-9 Secondary outcomes: self-reported quality of life, quality of care, self-efficacy, & satisfaction with care
▸ HEALD-PCN specific: nutritional behaviours & satisfaction with intervention
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific: process care indictors including: # of visits with healthcare providers, referrals, psychotherapy sessions, medication adjustments, and adherence to treatment
▸ Clinical assessment recorded in patient outcome tracking systems
▸ Survey items
▸ Ongoing
▸ HEALD-PCN specific: baseline, 3–6 months
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific:  baseline, 6–12-months
▸ Perceptions of impact/ consequences (positive or negative)▸ Interview data (PCN staff)▸ Baseline, midpoint, and post-intervention
 Individual▸ Total number of member physicians participating in ABCD project▸ Document review (PCN and ABCD project documents)▸ Post-intervention
 Organisation▸ Criteria for PCN participation in ABCD Project
▸ PCN Board agreement to participate
▸ Features of participating PCNs
▸ Comparison of characteristics between participating and  non-participating PCNs, as possible
▸ Description of usual care in the focus areas
▸ Perception of extent to which ABCD Project has been adopted by PCNs and modified to fit their context(s)
▸ Identified facilitators, barriers, and recommendations at  organisational level
▸ Document review (project and PCI/PCN documents –websites and business plans, availability of secondary data e.g., PCI evaluation)
▸ Standardised checklist
▸ Interview data (PCN staff) 
▸ Baseline, midpoint, and post-intervention
 Individual▸ HEALD-PCN specific: # of steps in log and  self-reported physical activity
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific: adherence to treatment  plan, including medications and behavioural modifications
▸ Patient outcome tracking systems
▸ Survey items
▸ Post-intervention
 OrganisationDevelopment of:
▸ Project materials: job descriptions for intervention staff,  recruitment and data collection protocols and forms
▸ Training and resource materials: project binders, algorithms,  patient resources
▸ Systems/processes: patient registries, patient recruitment &  outcome tracking systems
▸ Document review (PCN and ABCD Project  documents)▸ Baseline
▸ # and type of intervention staff hired by PCNs, including  turnover▸ Document review (eg, contracts)▸ Ongoing
▸ Provision of and quality of training in ABCD Project and  interventions: # and type of staff trained, detailing sessions, and training materials provided; attendance in training sessions; assessment of change in knowledge and satisfaction▸ Document review (ABCD Project documents)
▸ Presurvey /postsurvey items
▸ Interviews with PCN intervention staff
▸ Baseline, midpoint, and  post-intervention
Service delivery:

▸ HEALD-PCN specific: # and type of group meetings and  patient resources distributed; level of attendance
▸ TeamCare-PCN specific: # and type of screenings,  assessments, patient management plans, follow-up sessions, specialist consultations; time of service delivery; and QI assessment through monthly teleconferences
▸ Document review:(class attendance lists)
▸ Patient outcome tracking systems
▸ Ongoing and post-intervention
▸ Perceptions of implementation as intended
▸ Identified facilitators and barriers to implementation
▸ Identified recommendations for improvement
▸ Interviews with PCN staff ▸ Baseline, midpoint, and  post-intervention
▸ Document review (field notes, communications,  meeting minutes)▸ Ongoing
▸ Economic Evaluation: Decrease in # of family physician and  ER visits; reduction in complications, co-morbidities, and  mortality; reduction in direct medical costs; and reduction in projected future healthcare costs▸ Document review (budget and invoices)
▸ AH/ADSS data
▸ Post-intervention
 Individual▸ Sustained awareness, knowledge, and management of type  2 diabetes and depression or lifestyle behaviours▸ Survey items (ABCD Cohort Study) regarding  health behaviours and self-care▸ Post-intervention & ongoing  (minimum 4-year follow-up)
▸ Interviews with HEALD-PCN intervention group  participants▸ Post-intervention
 Organisation▸ PCN level: integration of aspects of the model into usual  care; and/or incorporation of models into future business planning▸ Interviews with PCN staff▸ Post-intervention
▸ More appropriate healthcare utilisation: decrease in # of  family physician and ER visits; reduction in complications, comorbidities, and mortality; reduction in direct medical costs; and reduction in projected future health care costs▸ AH data▸ Post-intervention