Table A3

Age-adjusted relative increase (%) in risk of cancer (and 95%CI) for each category increase in the variable for census-derived socio-economic variables

SIMDHighest qualification (individual)Highest qualification (household)NS-SEC (individual)§NS-SEC (household)§Car ownershipHousehold tenureActivity last week
Ethnic groupQuantitativeQuantitativeQuantitativeQuantitativeQuantitative1+ vs 0Owned vs rented**Working vs inactive††‡‡
(A) Men
 White Scottish5.5 (4 to 7)*9.9 (8 to 11.7)9.9 (7.5 to 12.2)7.9 (5.9 to 9.8)7.8 (5.5 to 10.1)15.5 (8.7 to 21.9)11.8 (5.3 to 17.9)25.9 (21 to 30.6)
 Other White British4.5 (2.8 to 6.3)*5.5 (3.4 to 7.7)7.2 (5.3 to 9)5.4 (3 to 7.8)*6.8 (3.5 to 10.2)*8 (2.8 to 13.1)6.5 (1.9 to 11)16.2 (13.3 to 19)
 White Irish4.4 (0.5 to 8)*5 (0 to 9.9)6.5 (3.4 to 9.4)9.8 (1.8 to 18.4)*5.5 (−1.3 to 12.9)12.7 (4.4 to 20.4)10.1 (3.5 to 16.1)24.8 (14.1 to 34.2)
 Other White4.4 (0.4 to 8.2)*7.5 (−0.7 to 15.4)6.7 (−5.5 to 17.5)14.6 (7.5 to 22.1)7.3 (−4.3 to 20.4)4.2 (−11.1 to 17.4)−7 (−10.9 to −3.3)20.8 (7.7 to 32)
 Any mixed background12 (−3.8 to 25.4)−15 (−29.4 to −2.2)−9.2 (−42.5 to 16.3)6.7 (−26.3 to 54.5)35.8 (3.5 to 78.1)28.9 (17.1 to 39)8.5 (−29.1 to 35.3)23.7 (−54.6 to 62.4)
 Indian2.5 (−8.8 to 12.7)6 (−20.2 to 26.7)19.6 (0 to 35.3)2.7 (−24.5 to 39.8)0.9 (−24 to 34)−100.9 (−328.9 to 5.9)33.4 (9.3 to 51.1)56.6 (36.9 to 70.1)
 Pakistani4.7 (−8.8 to 16.6)8.5 (−14.1 to 26.7)4.5 (−11.4 to 18.3)22.4 (−14.8 to 75.8)4.4 (−13.8 to 26.5)7.4 (−66.9 to 48.6)−17.8 (−43.1 to 3)26.9 (10.5 to 40.2)
 Other South Asian0 (−13.5 to 12.1)8.5 (−13.4 to 26.2)24.3 (6.9 to 38.4)29.4 (−7 to 80)11.3 (−19.8 to 54.4)19.6 (−26.1 to 48.7)−5 (−70.2 to 35.1)47.2 (−37.8 to 79.8)
 Black11.5 (−13.5 to 31)−2 (−57.3 to 33.7)−4.3 (−48.6 to 21.4)2 (−18.6 to 28)−10.1 (−35.3 to 24.9)14.7 (−45.6 to 50)6.3 (−39.3 to 37)25 (−19.4 to 52.8)
 Chinese−2.2 (−14.2 to 8.5)−17.8 (−56.6 to 11.5)2.2 (−19.1 to 19.7)−7.3 (−38.1 to 38.9)−5.4 (−24.9 to 19)35.2 (22.2 to 46)34.4 (16.1 to 48.7)22.9 (−30 to 54.3)
 All other ethnic group12 (−21.5 to 36.3)−3.3 (−37.6 to 22.5)−12.8 (−130.6 to 44.8)−48.2 (−77.5 to 19.2)−39.9 (−68.9 to 16.3)−5 (−171.1 to 59.3)−105.8 (−531.6 to 33)−46.9 (−292.6 to 45.1)
(B) Women
 White Scottish4.7 (3.9 to 5.4)6.3 (4.5 to 8)*6.7 (5.2 to 8.2)*3 (0.5 to 5.9)*3 (0.9 to 5.4)12.9 (9.5 to 16)8.9 (3.4 to 14.1)14.6 (10.3 to 18.8)
 Other White British3.5 (1.2 to 5.8)*4.5 (2.5 to 6.7)7.2 (5 to 9.3)0.2 (−2 to 2.8)4 (0.7 to 7.5)*15.5 (9 to 21.5)0.9 (−8.8 to 9.7)7 (2.3 to 11.6)
 White Irish0.4 (−3 to 3.8)−1 (−10.9 to 8)−0.5 (−10.2 to 8.4)−14.6 (−24.1 to −4)*−4.5 (−11.6 to 3)7.3 (0.5 to 13.5)8.4 (−1.2 to 17.1)−0.4 (−17.4 to 14.1)
 Other White4 (0.7 to 7.4)*7.4 (4 to 10.7)8.4 (0 to 16.2)0.9 (−7.4 to 10)10.7 (2.5 to 19.5)10 (−1.4 to 20.1)−22.5 (−40.3 to −7)4.5 (−19.2 to 23.4)
 Any mixed background10.8 (−2.9 to 22.6)6.8 (−20 to 27.6)6.2 (−21 to 27.2)23.5 (−11.4 to 72.3)11.7 (−18.2 to 52.6)16.6 (−17.4 to 40.7)19.6 (−20.6 to 46.4)−7.5 (−37.8 to 16.1)
 Indian−11.6 (−39.6 to 10.9)−20 (−33.4 to −7.9)−18.2 (−42.2 to 1.7)−2.5 (−17.6 to 15)7.9 (−22.1 to 49.5)−13.5 (−96.3 to 34.4)−20.4 (−94.9 to 25.6)−44.1 (−97 to −5.4)
 Pakistani−3.3 (−15.9 to 7.9)6.5 (−41.3 to 38.3)6.8 (−10.2 to 21.1)−8.7 (−24.5 to 10.4)0 (−15.8 to 18.7)23.5 (3.5 to 39.4)−10.1 (−97.8 to 38.7)−21.4 (−1518 to 8.8)
 Other South Asian−14.1 (−34.5 to 3.2)−9 (−44.9 to 18.1)−5.5 (−43.2 to 22.1)−5.5 (−32.8 to 32.8)−21.8 (−45.1 to 11.4)−65.6 (−189.9 to 5.4)−44.8 (−107.9 to −0.7)24.6 (−126.2 to 74.9)
 Black5 (−25.6 to 28.1)−14 (−44.5 to 10)0.2 (−38.1 to 27.9)4.7 (−26.9 to 49.9)−13.3 (−34.4 to 14.6)−39.5 (−166.4 to 26.9)−21.3 (−105.6 to 28.4)−21.2 (−89.3 to 22.4)
 Chinese8.2 (−2.5 to 17.8)−1.8 (−30.5 to 20.6)−16.2 (−34.6 to −0.2)−12.8 (−27.5 to 4.7)−3.9 (−19.3 to 14.5)−17.4 (−51.9 to 9.3)1.5 (−39 to 30.2)−38.2 (−68.5 to −13.2)
 All other ethnic group7 (−4.5 to 17.4)0.2 (−39.4 to 28.7)−73.2 (−147.5 to −21.2)2.9 (−22.4 to 36.5)−0.2 (−21.2 to 26.3)3.3 (−62.6 to 42.5)−40.9 (−96.5 to −1)34.8 (7.5 to 54.1)
  • *Trend of increase across categories shows a significant departure from linearity.

  • †Figures are for each quintile increase in Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).

  • ‡Figures are for each category increase in highest qualification – that is from none to low and low to high.

  • §Figures are for each category change in NS-SEC grouping, from N (never worked) to M (managerial and professional groups).

  • ¶Figures indicate difference in incidence between those who do not own cars and those who do.

  • **Figures indicate difference in incidence between those who rent and those who own their house.

  • ††Figures indicate difference in cancer between those who were inactive and those working last week.

  • ‡‡The analyses were on all cancers at all ages, so the number of cases differs slightly from table 1. Data Disclosure Committee ruled that publication of numerators here was not permissible as it would be potentially disclosive.

  • NS-SEC, National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification.