Table 1


SettingA multistaged prospective study done in all eligible subjects of the village Mollargaon in SylhetThe Project emphasises two phases. The phase I comprises of screening of target population to determine patients with chronic renal injury, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease. Phase II: People eligible for the comprehensive management programme were screened. All patients have been admitted to the leading hospitals of main cities of all regions of Georgia
Number of centresOne temporary centreSeven permanent centres
Timing8 months
Inclusion criteriaAge >18 years. High-risk subjects identified among those with hypertension, diabetes, prior CKD or prior heart attack or stroke at first stage screening/interviewAll patients who have been admitted to the leading hospitals of main cities of all regions of Georgia during last 10 years with the following reasons:
▸ Chronic pyelonephritis
▸ Chronic glomerulonephritis
▸ Nephrolithiasis/urolithiasis
▸ Kidney cystic disease
▸ Multicystic dysplastic kidney
▸ Congenital malformations with renal function impairment
▸ Hypertension
▸ Heart attack/stroke
▸ Chronic renal failure
▸ Diabetes mellitus
▸ Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
Exclusion criteriaPregnancy and any acute illnessPatients without confirmed medical diagnoses (based on medical documentation) excluded
MeasurementsInterview including demographic, socioeconomic, dietary and health-related questions; serum creatinine, fasting glucose, dipstick albuminuriaPatient interview includes demographic, socioeconomic, dietary and health-related questions; physical examination and fasting serum creatinine, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, dipstick urinalysis for proteinuria and urinary ACR (repeated if positive)
Clinic staffDoctors, nurses, health workers, medical students, laboratory techniciansPhysicians, nurses and students trained to take part in data collection of the project
Advertising/promotionLocal community leaders and health workers were first contacted, the study was explained and showed them the medical information pamphletThe appropriate education material for patients as well as for medical staff elaborated for further spread and acknowledgement
Follow-up visitsNo follow-up arrangedPatients are followed up twice in the first month of the treatment period, particularly to monitor potential ACE inhibitor complications. Follow-up assessment made every 6 months
  • ACR, albumin creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic kidney disease NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.