TableĀ 2

General information about the 4-T trial and medical research

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeAgree stronglyNo answerTotal
4I understood the results presented to me today0142510040
5I understand the risks and benefits of each insulin003289040
6I understand what I need to do to continue with my diabetes medication0012216140
7The information content of the patient results letter was about right013315040
8The patient results letter was useful/informative?012325040
9Taking part in the 4-T trial was as I expected1022413040
10I would participate in a similar study again1031123240
11I would be more likely to take part in a clinical trial if I knew I would receive the results of the trial at the end1251714140
12Receiving the study results improved the overall experience of taking part1131816140
13I would have preferred to attend a coffee morning to learn the trial results3710712140
14I would have preferred to take part in a telephone conference to learn the trial results6121532240