Table 4

The change is shown as improvement or deterioration from baseline to 1-year follow-up (n=2120) with respect to the following variables: body mass index (BMI), waist–hip ratio (WHR), waist circumference, p-glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, smoking and alcohol habits, physical activity and stress

Change menChange womenpWomen
n (%)
VariablesImprovementDeteriorationImprovementDeteriorationOR95% CI
BMI (n=1801)315 (51)304 (49)630 (53)552 (47)0.3310.880.72 to 1.07
WHR (n=1699)311 (53)277 (47)650 (58.5)461 (41.5)0.0260.800.66 to 0.98
Waist circumference (n=910)180 (55)149 (45)339 (58)242 (42)0.2870.850.65 to 1.12
p-Glucose (n=1917)360 (55)292 (45)703 (56)562 (44)0.8810.980.81 to 1.18
Systolic blood pressure (n=1717)327 (55)269 (45)584 (52)537 (48)0.2741.110.91 to 1.36
Diastolic blood pressure (n=1619)327 (57)243 (43)574 (55)475 (45)0.3051.110.90 to 1.36
Smoking (Hp) (n=126)42 (76)13 (24)51 (72)20 (28)0.5661.310.58 to 2.96
Alcohol (Hp) (n=194)79 (71)32 (29)65 (78)18 (22)0.2600.710.36 to 1.39
Physical activity (Hp) (n=757)148 (63.5)85 (36.5)385 (73.5)139 (26.5)0.0060.640.46 to 0.89
Stress (Hp) (n=361)57 (64)32 (36)190 (70)82 (30.1)0.3060.770.46 to 1.27
  • Pearson χ2 p values for differences between men and women are shown. The OR shows differences between men and women with age adjustment with men as reference (OR=1). Hp, health profile.