Table 2

Patient-related characteristics of individual collaborating cohorts and the combined cohort (ICCC)

VariablesCohort 1 (n=1847)Cohort 2 (n=2110)Cohort 3 (n=2287)Cohort 4 (n=3415)Cohort 5 (n=1014)Cohort 6 (n=3201)ICCC (n=13 874)
Age (years)65 (47–83)71 (54–87)56 (35–77)69 (51–87)74 (62–86)63 (43–83)65 (46–85)
 Men950 (51.4%)1376 (65.2%)1144 (50.0%)1803 (52.8%)645 (63.6%)1554 (48.5%)7472 (53.9%)
 Women897 (48.6%)734 (34.8%)1143 (50.0%)1612 (47.2%)369 (36.4%)1647 (51.4%)6402 (46.1%)
 White1456 (78.8%)1949 (85.2%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2791 (87.9%)6196 (44.7%)
 Black305 (16.5%)292 (12.7%)0 (0%)0 (0%)309 (9.1%)906 (6.5%)
 Asian5 (0%)16 (0.7%)0 (0%)1014 (100%)81 (2.4%)1116 (8.0%)
 Hispanic58 (2.7%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)8 (0.2%)66 (0.5%)
 Non-aboriginal0 (0%)0 (0%)3293 (96.4%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3293 (23.7%)
 Aboriginal0 (0%)0 (0%)122 (3.6%)0 (0%)0 (0%)122 (0.9%)
 Other23 (1.2%)30 (1.3%)0 (0%)0 (0%)11 (0.3%)64 (0.5%)
 Missing/NA0 (0%)2110 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1 (<0.1%)2111 (15.2%)
Smoking status*
 Non-smoker92 (5.0%)246 (11.7%)1664 (72.8%)1454 (42.6%)885 (87.3%)4340 (31.3%)
 Ex-smoker168 (8.0%)939 (27.5%)1107 (8.0%)
 Smoker89 (4.2%)1023 (29.9%)1112 (8.0%)
 Smoking history232 (12.6%)604 (26.4%)129 (12.7%)965 (7.0%)
 Missing/NA1523 (82.5%)1607 (76.2%)19 (0.8%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3201 (100%)6350 (45.8%)
Alcohol use
 Yes1186 (64.2%)107 (5.1%)357 (15.6%)245 (7.2%)9 (0.9%)1904 (13.7%)
 No642 (34.8%)1983 (94.0%)1562 (68.3%)3170 (92.8%)999 (98.5%)8356 (60.2%)
 Missing/NA19 (1.0%)20 (0.9%)368 (16.1%)0 (0%)6 (0.6%)3201 (100%)3614 (26.0%)
Nursing home
 Yes81 (4.3%)173 (8.2%)195 (8.5%)637 (21.9%)0 (0%)130 (4.1%)1216 (8.8%)
 No1628 (88.1%)1937 (91.8%)2092 (91.5%)2778 (78.1%)1014 (100%)3071 (95.9%)12 520 (90.2%)
 Missing138 (7.5%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (%)138 (1.0%)
  • Values presented are median (IQR) for normally distributed and non-normally distributed continuous data (other continuous variables) and number (%) for all categorical data. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

  • * Some cohorts (cohorts 1, 3 and 5 recorded smoking history without differentiating between ex- and current smokers).

  • ICCC, International Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Collaboration Cohort; NA, not available.