Table 2

Questions that composed the epilepsy knowledge test

Q9The epilepsy is a contagious disease
Q10The epilepsy is a brain chronic disease that cannot be cured or controlled
Q11Seizure occurs when an abnormal electric discharge happen in the brain
Q12The epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder in the world
Q13The epilepsy can affect people of all races, genders, socioeconomic conditions and regions
Q14In developing countries like Brazil, epilepsy affects a smaller number of people
Q15People with epilepsy have more difficulties of learning
Q16People with epilepsy will never be allowed to drive
Q17People with epilepsy cannot drink alcoholic beverages
Q18People with epilepsy cannot practice any physical activity
Q19The epilepsy can have a genetic cause
Q20Brain tumour can cause epilepsy
Q21Malnutrition is one cause of epilepsy
Q22The epilepsy is caused by brain trauma
Q23Brain infections can cause epilepsy
Q24For epilepsy, the ideal treatment is the use of drugs
Q25Alternative therapies such as acupuncture can be used in the treatment of epilepsy