Table 1

Comparative satisfaction of users of the old and new Hospital at Night (H@N) systems

StatementOld systemNew system
Overall I am satisfied with how easy it is to use the system7197
It was easy to learn to use the system91105
The system takes little of my time allowing me to spend more time with patients61107
The system allows information on the patient to be accurately recorded50107
I feel comfortable using the system81107
Whenever I make a mistake using the system I recover quickly and without impact to safety8197
The organisation of information on the screens is clear6197
I like using the interface on this system6095
Overall, I am satisfied that the system effectively supports my job7098
Total Score (n)6285
  • Scores are median values for 20 staff members (five junior doctors, five H@N co-ordinators, five clinical support workers and five ward nurses) for a modified version of the IBM Computer System Usability Questionnaire.22