Table 2

Correlations between the number of episodes of LOC and the presence of PTSD, presence of an ND, MOCA scores, PCL-M scores or olfactory test results for combat veterans

Correlation of episodes of mTBI with outcomes and correlation of PCL-M and olfaction tests scores with MOCA scoresmTBI associated with combat
Correlation coefficientp Value
LOC vs ND (including olfaction)0.314<0.01
LOC vs ND (excluding olfaction)0.254<0.01
LOC vs PTSD0.405<0.01
LOC vs MOCA score−0.226<0.01
LOC vs PCL-M score0.577<0.01
LOC vs olfaction score−0.665<0.01
MOCA score vs PCL-M score−0.620 (−0.765)<0.001 for both
MOCA score vs olfaction score0.00497 (0.0926)NS for both
PCL-M vs olfaction−0.194NS
  • Kendall's rank correlation analysis coefficients are shown in the table with Pearson's product–moment correlation coefficients shown in parentheses.

  • LOC, loss of consciousness; MOCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury; ND, neurological deficit; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.