Table 1

Basic characteristics of persons with Klinefelter's syndrome (KS) or 47,XYY

KaryotypeNo. of persons at riskNo. of persons with at least one convictionMedian age at diagnosis (95% CI)Median year of diagnosis (95% CI)Median year of birth (95% CI)
47,XXY (KS)93438527.7 (26.6 to 28.3)1986 (1984 to 1987)1961 (1959 to 1962)
Controls (KS)88 82937 085
47,XYY1618020.6 (17.6 to 23.7)1985 (1982 to 1989)1969 (1963 to 1971)
Controls (47,XYY)15 3566284