Table 3

Top five highest incident emergent codes and categories from constant comparison analysis (all groups combined; total codes n=1035)

Code-categoryFive most frequent code topicsFrequency
General impressions on rising resistance401
Patient non-compliance15
Antibiotics development13
Hospital-specific issues, eg, hygiene, laboratories11
Antibiotic dosing10
Urinary tract infections10
Outpatient-specific influences on prescribing251
Patient history18
Patient demand18
Physician experience14
Patient self-education11
Patient compliance11
Sources of information on antibiotics234
Practice guidelines10
Continuing medical education8
Specialty journals8
Quality of conferences7
Physician-oriented interventions84
Laboratory feedback7
Information on local resistance situation7
Hospital-specific influences on prescribing65
Up-to-date internal guidelines4
Laboratory/microbiologists exchange4
Specificity of internal guidelines4
Experience with infectious diseases3
Problematic diagnoses3