Table 1

List of interview questions

DF interview questions (year 1)DF interview questions (years 2 and 3)Line manager interview questions (all years)CLAHRC team interview questions (all years)
  1. Please can you tell me about your background, your career leading into your becoming a DF.

  2. Why did you choose to become a DF?

  3. Have you been involved in implementing change before?

  4. What were your expectations of being a DF?

  5. What have you been doing since becoming a DF?

  6. What did you think might be the challenges of being a DF?

  1. What have you been doing since our last interview in relation to your DF role?

  2. What challenges have you faced?

  3. Have there been any problems/difficulties?

  4. Has anything stood out as positive or encouraging?

  5. How have you been working with the research team?

  6. What information sharing and disseminating activities have you undertaken? (Note: this is asking the DF about their knowledge-brokering activities; seek story-telling of experiences)

  7. In the course of your DF work, have you met with, talked to and worked with different groups of people and organisations that you would not normally do? (Note: this is asking about their boundary-spanning activities; seek: story-telling of experiences)

  8. How has the DF role changed you?

  1. Can you please tell me what you know and understand about the DF role?

  2. Were you involved in the recruitment and secondment process of the DF?

  3. Can you describe how you work with the DF?

  4. Have you had any communication with the research team to inform the appraisal and development of the DF's objectives?

  5. Has the DF's work been added to their annual appraisal and objective/work-plan setting carried out by the employing organisation?

  6. Have you had to provide additional support to the DF because of their secondment?

  7. Have you or the organisation benefited from the DF's CLAHRC work in sharing and disseminating information? (Note: this question is asking about the DF as a broker knowledge)

  8. Have you or the organisation benefited from the DF's CLAHRC work in crossing and closing organisational and professional grouping knowledge gaps? (Note: this question is asking about the DF as a boundary spanner)

  9. Based on your experience of working with the DF, do you think the DF secondment has been successful?

  1. What do you know about the DF role?

  2. How were you involved in the recruitment of the DF?

  3. What have been your experiences of working with the DF?

  4. Has there been any communication with the DF's NHS line manager?

  5. How has the DF's work plan been negotiated?

  6. What support has the DF needed, and who provided this?

  7. What effect has the DF secondment had on the study and the research team?

  8. How has the DF helped you to share and disseminate information across NDL? (Note: this question is asking about the DF as a broker knowledge)

  9. How has the DF helped you to cross and close organisational and professional grouping knowledge gaps across NDL? (Note: this question is asking about the DF as a boundary spanner)

  10. What are your general views or comments on the success or shortcomings of DF secondment?

  • CLAHRC, Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care; DF, Diffusion Fellow; NDL, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.