Table 2

Respondents' opinion to what extent patient-specific prognostic factors influence their clinical decision making in the treatment of CLBP

Patient factorp Value*
Maximum number of levels for fusion1 Level2 Levels≥3 Levels
18 (30.5)23 (39.0)18 (30.5)<0.001
Minimum age patient<20 years20–30 years≥30 years<0.001
15 (24.6)25 (41.0)21 (34.4)
Maximum age patient40–50 years50–60 years≥60 yearsNS
5 (8.1)12 (19.4)45 (72.5)
Minimal length conservative therapy<6 months6 months to 1 year≥1 yearNS
3 (4.8)36 (58.1)23 (37.1)
Maximum body mass index<3131–37≥37<0.001
29 (46.8)18 (29.0)15 (24.2)
Maximum number of cigarettes/day01–20≥20<0.001
29 (47.5)7 (11.4)25 (40.9)
Referral overweight patients to dieticianAlwaysSometimesNever<0.001
29 (46.8)20 (32.3)13 (21.0)
Psychological screening referralAlwaysSometimesNever<0.001
10 (16.2)28 (45.2)24 (38.7)
Different criteria for primary DDD vs prior spine surgeryAgreeNeutralDisagreeNS
44 (71.0)8 (12.9)10 (16.1)
Work status affects outcomeAgreeNeutralDisagree<0.001
29 (46.7)17 (27.4)16 (25.9)
Litigation procedures affect outcomeAgreeNeutralDisagreeNS
43 (69.3)9 (14.5)10 (16.2)
  • The numbers listed are percentages of valid responses.

  • * χ2 test: p<0.05 means significantly <70% consensus, NS implies uniformity.

  • DDD, degenerative disc disease; NS, not significant.