Table 4

Number of children enrolled in the retrospective cohort study who were reported by primary care givers as having symptoms, or prior vaccination, and receiving trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) in 2010, by brand and formulation

Percentage of children with symptomCF versus InfluvacCF versus Influvac (controlling for age)
Fluvax (n=109)Fluvax Junior (n=100)Combined Fluvax and Fluvax Junior (CF) (n=209)Influvac (n=110)Univariate χ2 p valueOR (95% CI)p Value
Reported symptomFever*52.361.056.517.30.000015.1 (2.9 to 9.2)0.0001
Fatigue29.437. (1.8 to 7.0)0.0003
Vomiting14.720. (1.8 to 20.3)0.0037
Rigours11.919. (2.1 to 119.5)0.0070
Swelling12.813.012.910.90.61.1 (0.5 to 2.3)0.7914
Diarrhoea6. (0.7 to 43.0)0.1160
Rash5. (0.5 to 31.2)0.2193
Headache3. (0.5 to 37.5)0.1843
Significant SFAE22.936. (2.7 to 18.3)0.0001
Percentage of children answering ‘Yes’ (n)CF versus InfluvacCF versus Influvac (controlling for age)
Fluvax (n=109)Fluvax Junior (n=100)Combined Fluvax and Fluvax Junior (CF) (n=209)Influvac (n=110)Univariate χ2 p valueOR (95% CI)p Value
Prior influenza vaccination historyHad monovalent 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine? (n=104)15.4 (104)15.6 (96)15.5 (200)19.6 (102)0.370.9 (0.4 to 1.6)0.64
Had seasonal influenza vaccine before 2010? (n=107)50.5 (107)49 (100)49.8 (207)57.5 (108)0.191.5 (0.9 to 2.6)0.16
  • SFAE, significant febrile adverse event (defined as fever ≥39°C and/or rigours and/or a febrile convulsion).

  • * Self-reported fever, whether measured or not.